Claim Management SoftwareUTMC is bringing top-of-the-line technology to unemployment compensation services.
Effortless unemployment claims management
Managing an organization involves dealing with unemployment claims. Responding to those claims, however, is time-consuming and complicated, which leads to overcharging and errors.
Outsourcing to UTMC, you’ll get immediate access to unemployment expertise, a secure platform and custom strategies to optimize your unemployment tax costs.

Case Management System
The Case Management System is a secure, cloud-based platform that allows you to:
Manage and respond to claims
Review benefit charges & tax rate notices
Stay up to date with claim statuses
Run various reports
Receive tax savings estimates
Contact UTMC experts
And more
Integration with UI SIDES
To streamline the unemployment claims management, UTMC has been working on integrating with the State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES). Our Case Management System is live on most exchanges, allowing us to provide the states with any information they request.
Case Management System
A secure system where the employer and UTMC specialists collaborate to increase the unemployment tax savings.